Freshman Registration 8th graders may now register for Freshman Courses using the Google Form posted in Ms. Edgin's Google Classroom.
GCMS Basketball Schedules Available GCMS Eagles and Lady Eagles Basketball Schedules available for viewing and download on the MS Basketball page or by clicking the link above.
Fall 2018 Semester Test Schedule Semester Test Schedule Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 11. Please schedule any doctor, dentist or other appointment after these dates or times.
Zombies are coming! Please join us to support our MS and HS students in their production of 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! Tuesday, Oct. 30 - 7:00 p.m. High School Cafetorium.
Middle School 2016-2017 Report Card Released The Texas Education Agency has released the Grape Creek Middle School Report card for 2016-2017. Open the link here: