Notes to Parents
Parents please ensure that your Middle School student has pencils and notebook paper for class daily. Thanks for your continued support.
To Middle School Parents :
Prior knowledge affects ability to understand, relate to text. Research shows your child’s ability to understand and relate to what he/she reads is linked to what he/she knows before they turn that first page. This is called “prior knowledge is important because having some knowledge before reading means your child will not have to try to figure out the text just from the information in front of him. Prior knowledge of a topic may also keep him more engaged in what he’s reading. Here’s how you can help:
Encourage your child to read a newspaper every day. This will expose him/her topics and themes that he will likely encounter in is school work
v Expand your child’s world. Take trips to museums and zoos. Also look for free or low-cost shows. Every bit of culture your child soaks up may help him make a connection with something he’ll read in the future.
v Share experiences with your child. Talk with your child about places you have been or jobs you have had.
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